家長英文發音不好, 如何教子女?

以下是以書誼幼稚園英文教本(Parade Page 10)為例.
雖然不能教好英文, 但只要不要讓朋友覺得英文生疏, 即可 !

Instructor:Weeden (English teacher for Suyee Kindergarten)
Reference:Parade Page10

Story .......
There is a father whose english is not well.
Playing with her daughter use magic dice.
They played follow textbook Parade Page 10.
Something happen !!!
The magic dice was disappear.
They couldn't find it.
They afraid a story like "Jumangi(野蠻遊戲)" will happen.
The father know his poor pronunciation was not useful.
Time passed.It's a too impatient to wait.
The only way is let Dodo have good pronunciation, and the game will be end.
